
1. All the reports were previously recorded in Word files.
2. Each Vulnerability is Recorded in a new Word file.
3. It was a very tedious work and time taking process for a full-report generation.
4. Managing Vulnerabilities while Software Testing & QA updating Vulnerability status[ Fixed & Closed ] was a very time taking process in Excel.
5. Managing Vulnerabilities screenshots in the directory structure was difficult and not Secure.
6. Making proposals and invoice generation was a lengthy process.
7. No proper tool for project management.


1. Firstly we developed a User Management System and Access Manager for handling user permissions.
2. We developed a Project Management System under which we can conduct tests.
3. Test manager can View, Add, Edit & Delete Vulnerabilities.
4. Now we can Generate Reports with a single click.
5. The software database structure is very optimized.
6. The software is well-secured.
7. Now we can generate and manage invoices and proposal easily.


The outcome is very user-friendly software, fast and well-optimized with a highly secured panel.

Technologies and Tools

Javascript Technologie

[ Jquery, Ajex ]

Php Technologie

[ PhpOffice, PhpMailer ]

Bootstrap Technologie
Mysql Technologie

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