software for your business.

Our software development team helps you transform your business with the latest tools, resources, and most importantly, a winning culture.

Get in touch to discuss your project request

Our Unique Approach & Process

By initiating your project with Windkooky, you get a dedicated and skilled team backing you up round-the-clock. All our processes are customer oriented, designed to reduce the cost of business operations. Address IT resourcing challenges, and offer you a competitive edge. We start with a deep analysis of your requirements and continue our relationship with post-launch support and updates.


Windkooky Service Scope

Software consulting

Software consulting

We gather and analyze your business needs, conceptualize software to cover them, and help you get the best value from its development.

Web development

Web development

We create all kinds of customer-facing and corporate web-based applications.

Mobile development

Mobile development

We deliver mobile applications for any platform and cover all the industries

Desktop development

Desktop development

We develop desktop apps for Mac, Windows and Linux in C++/Qt, .NET and Python programming languages.

Database development

Database development

We help you organize raw data in the most efficient way for analysis and decision-making.

Cloud development

Cloud development

Developing cloud apps, we ensure a rational use of cloud resources to avoid over- and under-provisioning.

SaaS development

SaaS development

We can assist with both product management and development of SaaS apps.

API development and software integration

API development and software integration

We employ API-driven development to seamlessly integrate custom software with corporate and third-party systems and services.

Software modernization

Software modernization

We improve the usability, refactor code and optimize the maintenance cost of legacy software.


Php Technology
Bootstarp Technology
WordPress Technology
Angular Technology
React Technology
Python Technology
MongoDB Technology
Mysql Technology
Nodejs Technology
Javascript Technology
Css Technology
Html Technology
Andriod Studio Technology
Java Technology
Kotlin Technology
Swift Technology
React Technology
Flutter Technology
Php Technology
Mysql Technology
Nodejs Technology
Angular Technology
Ump Technology
Electron Technology
QT Technology
Swing Technology
Wpf Technology
Flutter Technology
Php Technology
Mysql Technology
Python Technology
Java Technology
C# Technology
c++ Technology
MariaDB Technology
Mysql Technology
PostgreSQL Technology
Sqlserver Technology
MongoDB Technology
Oracledb Technology
Arduino Technology
RaspberryPi Technology
Thingsboard Technology
Flutter Wireless Technology
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