1. In covid, the diagnostic centers offline available were closed due to an increase in cases so the diagnosis of patients was becoming very difficult day by day
2. So the Nearme Diagnostic Center came up with an online appointment and diagnostic approach
1. It is an online diagnostic lab manager application that brings up various diagnoses working online.
2. Here patients get an option to register on the site and log-in using registered details.
3. Once registered with their address and contact details, the patients may now see a variety of tests conducted by the lab along with their costs.
4. The system allows patients to do bookings for various tests like CBC, Blood Glucose, KFT, LFT, WIDAL, RT-PCR
5. The tests also consist of parameters like Hemoglobin, WBC, etc. The system allows users to book any test needed and after successful booking, the system calculates costs and allows users to pay online.
Technologies and Tools

[ Jquery, Ajex ]

[ PhpOffice, PhpMailer ]

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