1. All the work in this company was managed in Excel it was a tedious work and time taking process to gather all the resources.
2. Monthly company billing was manual , no proper management of data.
3. Invoice generation was manual it was a hectic task for the company.
4. Company data was stored in Excel and it was hard to manage the old data.
5. Driver management system was not present in the excel management system.
6. vehicle loading system was not implemented in this company so they were not able to find the accurate profit and loss of the company.
1. An application is developed with an advanced DBMS-optimized structure.
2) A proper Loading Receipt(LR) record manipulating system is made in that automatically quotation is generated.
3) All the bills are empowered with the GST system.
4) Company billing is automatically generated with the help of LR data.
5) Company management system was developed for the owner to manage all the resources of the company.
6) Driver management system was developed for the owner to manage all the drivers of the company.
7) Vehicle loading system was developed in this company so they can find the accurate profit and loss of the company.
8) With the help of proper DBMS they can handle and manage the entire data of the company.
Screen Shots
Technologies and Tools

[ Jquery, Ajex ]

[ PhpOffice, PhpMailer ]

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