
Developed a System for Dynamic Template and Bulk-Mail-Push ( Features- Connection of Dynamic Data Queue, Template Editor, Dynamic Email with Placeholder, Dynamic Template with Placeholder, Optimized Engine For Bulk-Mail-Push )




Javascript, Php, Bootstrap, Ajex, Jquery, Mysql, CSS, M-pdf,PhpMailer , Python.

Mailstudio Application


1. Manually email was sent from one person to another which was hectic and tedious work to do.
2. Bulk push was not possible with a single click.
3. There are lots of bulk mail pushers in the market but they only send static emails in bulk.


1. Mail Studio is a bulk email push system . which can send dynamic emails.
2. It is used to distribute newsletters, notifications, invitations , promotional materials, marketing , advertising and other forms of mass communication.
3. Mail Studio software allows you to input a list of email addresses & create and send emails.
4.From main-database we can extract the email queue in NoSql format(JSON) with the help of queue we are sending emails dynamically.

Objectives of MailStudio

1. Reduce the workload
2. Save time and minimize human efforts.
3. Systematic arrangement of data with more accuracy
4. Easy access control


1. User-friendly software
2. Platform-Independent software
3. Easy Maintenance
4)Data Redundancy
5. Highly Automated
6. Database View
7. Fast Operations

Technologies and Tools

Javascript Technologie

[ Jquery, Ajex ]

Php Technologie

[ PhpOffice, PhpMailer ]

Bootstrap Technologie
Mysql Technologie

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