Previously Data was stored manually by writing it on paper and storing it in the regular place of storage provided which may lead to unsystematic arrangements of data or loss of data.
Another problem that can happen is hard to search and update the student information and class arrangement.
Teachers also have some problems as administrators that use manual systems including to develop the student performance example student discipline, result, attendance and so on that have no systematic record.
Admission and enrollment of students’ processes become large and messy.
Creating and track course-work will be difficult in a manual system.
Tracking the progress of teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of teachers’ work is difficult in a manual system.
Institutes have to face challenges with managing their finances, particularly because it relates to tracking revenues that are available through fees and contributions.
Traditional college admission is a time-consuming process, which involves students visiting off-site campus, taking an application, filling it and then submission is another hectic story.
On the day of admission, the flow of candidates is very high and it requires both manual processing and record keeping at the same time that makes the process lengthy and difficult to keep track of the admission status of a candidate in multiple departments.
The admission process is done manually with pen and paper which is very inefficient and utilizes much effort and time.
Managing the college library manually is a very difficult task.
Works like Managing and storing information of all books, tracking the availability of books manually can't be done efficiently.
Manual search for desired books according to the row/alphabetical orders is difficult by the students and requires time to search.
Previously colleges had to keep a continuous check on the books issued and returned and even calculate fines. This task if carried out manually will be tedious and includes chances of mistakes.
Managing a library requires a lot of time, manual work to work efficiently.
maintaining the record of visitors is also difficult.
Institute Management manages the institute easily with just a click. We can manage Enquiries, Follow-up, Registration, Notifications, Payment, Batches, Attendance, Tests, Results, Certificates, Assignments, Staff, Payroll, expenses, Inventory, User Security, Reports ,
Library(The purpose of the Library Management system is to allow for storing details of a large number of books, magazines, Journals and allow for add, search, borrow, return facilities separately to administrator/Librarian, staff and students. Library management project that acts as an online portal between students and the admin. It contains an admin who can add, update, delete or remove the various kinds of books, articles based on their release date, author name, publication name and also with their availability. Students can login using the provided user id, password and view the books of the library. It keeps a continuous check on the books issued and returned and even calculates fine. ),
Admission Management System(The goal of the "Admission Management System" is to automate the academic institute's admission structure and its related operation and functionality. It is a software that enables educational institutions to Conduct Student admission and enrollment procedures online. It manages student admission form Collection, collects documents and Shortlist Candidates to complete the admission process online. It also manages faculty recruitment by accepting resumes, allowing faculty to apply for the open vacancies) and many more.
Basically, IMS is providing an efficient and convenient way to deal with the complete process that is going to arise in a particular institution in a centralized and integrated way. This application contains various modules like: -
1) AUTHENTICATION MODULE (Access Manager): - Create an account in the admin portal where the administrator has to provide the various access authority for student, faculty, staff and deal with the notification, inquiry that will arise in the institute.
2) STUDENT PORTAL: - Students that already have an account, he/she can login using username and password and edit their details in profile. They can be able to view their attendance report, results, fee due and other notifications which are relevant to them individually.
3) FACULTY PORTAL: - It also contains a faculty panel where faculty can login using a given user id and password. Faculty can change all their details like achievement, experience, personal details which are being viewed on panel and also can view their pending leave, able to apply for leave.
4) DEPARTMENT: - Managing the various departments' information and their relevant tasks such it will be useful to coordinate with the faculty and students like classes, specific notes and events etc.
5) NOTIFICATION: - Notifying every individual is an important aspect of the institute management system. Notification can be of different types like admission opening, teachers’ vacancy, exams, results, any events that are going to be organized and much more likely will be handled in this module.
6) INQUIRY: - The inquiry module used to control the reviews and feedback also the query that are being asked or advised by the different internal and external individuals of IMS
7) COLLEGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: - The administrator has to maintain the college information regarding the selection of new admission in institute and also their eligibility criteria. This also includes the handling vacancy for faculty and staff and generates various notifications relevant to the same.
8) APPLICATION FORM MANAGEMENT: - This module is used to maintain the various forms that are being applied during the admission process. This can be achieved by eligibility criteria, merit lists and other additional details provided in the application form.
9) STUDENT APPLICATION FORM: - This module defines the application process for admission containing the complete availability of course with its fees and eligibility criteria. It also allows new students to fill the application form with their complete details and documents required for the basic enrollment process.
10) FACULTY AND STAFF APPLICATION FORM: - It shows the various vacancies for teachers and staff in the institute and also the job seekers can apply for it with their personal details and their previous schools/college experience details.
11) REGISTRATION MODULE: - Create an account in the admin portal where the librarian has to go through registration procedure. It contains a registration form in which users have to give appropriate user id and password to create a new account. And used it as a future login.
12) LOGIN MODULE: - Students that have already enrolled in the institute can login in the student portal to view the, he/she can login using username and password and edit their details in profile. If ID and password are correct then only, he/she will be able to check the library books in an online medium.
13) MANAGEMENT OF BOOKS BY LIBRARIAN AND LIBRARY STAFF: - This module defines the adding, updating, deleting or removing the various kinds of books, articles based on their release date, author name, publication name and also with their availability.
14) TRANSACTIONS OF BOOKS: - Managing the transaction of books for issuing to students and faculty with the 2 weeks return date. And, a fine will be charged after the span of 2 weeks from the date of issuing if not returned.
15) ENTRANCE: - At the library entrance there will be a scanner for maintaining the entry, exit of visitors (students, faculty, staff).
1. Easy management of all Institutional works.
2. Easy management of student attendance, student admission and application process.
3. Clear billing breakdowns and payment.
4. Systematic arrangements of data and data accuracy leads to increase in productivity.
5. Tracking student, teacher performance becomes easy.
6. Reduce the workload and help to maintain better time management
7. College library management manages and stores books information electronically according to student’s needs. Which helps both students and library managers to keep a constant track of all the books available in the library.
8. It allows both the admin and the student to search for the desired book easily.
9. Errors can be avoided by allowing the system to keep track of information such as issue date, last date to return the book and even fine information and thus there is no need to keep manual track of this information which thereby avoids chances of mistakes.
10. System reduces manual work to a great extent and allows smooth flow of library activities.
11. Improve in maintaining the record of visitors by placing a scanner in the entrance of the library.
12. Admission management system helps to make the admission process much easier and helps in maintaining the database in an efficient way.
13. Admin can add the college details and the stream details
14. Colleges can easily register admissions of new students and also remove the students who are denied admission.
15. Admin can add college details and cut off lists without much effort.
16. Saves students and college management member’s time.
17. Easy to access the system anywhere and anytime.
18. Reduce the workload and save time.
19. Create student accounts and maintain the data effectively.
20. Activities like updating, modification, deletion of records will be easier.
Technologies and Tools

[ Jquery, Ajex ]

[ PhpOffice, PhpMailer ]

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